Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kitchen Block...

I have not blogged in over a week because I have total and complete kitchen block. Not the wood cutting board in the middle of your kitchen, more like a form of writer's block that makes it seemingly impossible for me to want to cook anything more than the bare minimum. About once a season I get this general kitchen malaise, I do not know why or how it comes on, and it usually leaves as quickly as it sets in, often with a baking spree that goes on for several days.

I am sure some of you reading this are thinking...

This sounds like every day of my life...

For some people, cooking is never fun, but for someone like me who puts anything cooking related right after friends and family, this is certainly the exception to the rule.

Perhaps it is a kind of hibernation in preparation for the holidays, perhaps it has something to do with Daylight Savings (that is a good excuse for everything else, why not this?), or perhaps I just don't feel like it. Whatever the case, I am sure that this kitchen block will end, just as it always has in the past...

...Just in time for Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's your way of resting for the busy holiday season, with the extra baking and cooking you'll be doing. I would have been concerned if you didn't have an occasional block. Good to know you're human like the rest of us. ;)
